インタビュー記事 Interviews
松浦亜弥 MATSUURA Aya, a pop singer
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- つんく♂プロデュースのポップ・アイドル路線から脱皮し、ひとりのアーティストとしてしっとりとした大人の曲を歌い、でもアイドルとしてはユニット「GAM」で弾ける──そんな決意をした繊細な時期の「あやや」こと松浦亜弥さんへの2007年7月のインタビューです。
- MATSUURA Aya was a very popular idol known as "Ayaya," and now she grew up to be an adult artist.
When I met her actually and had an interview with her in 2007, not only her pure and beautiful looks, but her smart and brilliant way of talking had left a strong impression on my mind.
CDJournal 2007年9月号 (株)音楽出版社
清水ミチコ SHIMIZU Michiko, an entertainer
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- 昔からのファンで編集者に頼み込み、2回もインタビューさせてもらいました。「モノマネするのは、大好きな人ばかり」と彼女が強調されるのはもちろん理解できますが、その結果が「誰とは言わないけれども、本当は音痴な黒き瞳の宝塚女優」とかなのは……。
- SHIMIZU Michiko is a bright and cynical entertainer, who is very good at impersonations of various famous people.
Her performances are always laughing, but built on a fundamental knowledge of music.
I love her performances and made interviews twice. She was a very honest and thoughtful lady.
CDJournal 2008年7月号・2010年1月号 (株)音楽出版社
西原理恵子 SAIBARA Rieko, a cartoonist
- 無頼派でありつつ叙情派、その両方をあわせてエンターテインメントに昇華させるマンガ家・西原理恵子さん。あるイベントの仕事で怖々と出演オファーを出しましたら、たぶん面白がってくれたのでしょう、ノーギャラなのに一瞬でOKしてくださいました(マンガの中では自分を守銭奴として描いていますが)。
- SAIBARA Rieko is a cartoonist whose works are known to be both lyric and reckless.
She always favors weak people, such as the poor, alcoholics, or sexual minorities.
When I was involved in an LGBT event in 2007, the first thing I did was to make an offer to her. She accepted my sudden and rude offer for nothing, and gave us a lot of ideas to make the event more interesting and successful.
Her radical interview issue and friendly cartoon on the event paper won popularity among LGBT people. She scolded LGBT hedonists, not to act too immorally, and recommended to find a 'real' partner. Her thought about LGBT was very advanced and was right to the point in 2007.
そのほかのインタビュー Other Interviews
- そのほか、アニメ「タッチ」の主題歌で知られる岩崎良美さんや、まだ高校生だった俳優の林遣都さんらへのインタビューが印象に残っています。HONDAの人型ロボット、ASIMOくんへのインタビュー??とか。(笑)
- I made some interviews to pop singers or to young actors. They were so attractive that I couldn’t help gazing into their eyes, no matter whether they're female or male.
Moreover, I enjoyed some interviews to the ordinary people. Volunteers to redevelop their towns. People just walking old and historical ways. Volunteers to make children play in the nature. That was quite stimulative experience for me.
2000 - in various media
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映画レビュー Movie Reviews
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- もともと映画は好きですが、「映画レビュー」など書ける素養はありませんでした。
過去に掲載された記事は こちらのブログにまとめてあります。
- When younger, I was far from an expert movie watcher. I used to love so-called "Hollywood movies," such as "Back to the Future" or “Indiana Jones” series (Of corse I still love them both).
Since 2003, I began to write movie reviews in "CDJournal," then I learned how to enjoy movies which I stayed away from before. Road movies (boring), literary works by old masters (tortuous), gloomy movies (I got gloomy and sleepy).
Then, ten years has past. I have written 375 reviews in this period. No matter whether I like or not, I had to write something worth reading as a professional. This experience is now a great treasure for me.
My articles are available on this Blog.
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CDJournal 2003年12月号 - (株)音楽出版社
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書籍 編集・執筆協力 Editing, Writing Books
- 携帯電話を持っていない時代に携帯電話の本、就職したことがないのに人事や組織の本、医者じゃないのに医学の本、辞書なしじゃ何も書けないのに英語の本、などなど、いただけるお仕事はなんでもやってきました。テキスト情報なのにコンピュータが悲鳴をあげるような原稿の山! 記名の単著がないのが残念です。
- About writing cooperation and editing, I did everything I was offered : books on cell phones when I didn't have a cell phone, books on personnel affairs and organizations although I had never been employed, books on medicine although I'm not a doctor, English study aids although I can write nothing without a dictionary, and so on. Look at these masses of manuscripts!
The following are books by Mr. SOWA Toshimitsu, a human resources consultant. In all of these specialized books, I cooperated in writing and editing.
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雑誌コラム Columns for a magazine
- そういえば一時期、ある雑誌に簡単なウェブ制作のTIPSの連載を持っていました。
- Well, I had been writing a monthly column about tips on website design for a magazine.
Later, the magazine became very famous as the hometown of Ms. Matsuko Deluxe.
Bʌ́di 2003年6月号 - 12月号 テラ出版
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そのほか雑誌記事、書籍など Other Magazine Articles, Books, etc.
- そのほか児童向け図鑑(国際地学協会)、女性ファッション誌((株)主婦の友社)、槇原敬之さんの音楽に関するレビューと考察((株)宝島社 / TOKYO FM 出版)など、脈絡のない他分野で原稿を書いてきました。
まさか、少年時代に熟読してイラストを真似して描いていた北条司さんの「CAT'S EYE」DVD-BOXを、自分が解説させてもらえるとは……光栄の至りです。(デジタルサイト(株))。
また「週刊アスキー」((株)週刊アスキー 2007年10月2日号)では、取材したマンガ家・青木光恵さんに、取材中の風景を逆にマンガに描かれもしました。これも光栄。
- In addition, I wrote articles about Fashion, Music, Geography, and so on.
Once I made an interview with AOKI Mitsue, a Japanese cartoonist, she drew me in her cartoon. OMG.